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Cash in on
Bad Credit

A new course in taking back your financial power.

Have you been frustrated when it comes to cleaning your credit report? Are you tired of being a slave to the credit money system?

If you have negative items placed on your credit report, that can have damaging effects on your financial and daily life. This is a form of slavery and slavery is ILLEGAL!

We help you TAKE BACK YOUR POWER! Learn the laws that creditors have to follow and finally HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE!

Course to Take Control of
Your Financial Reputation

The Cash in on Bad Credit system will give you the powerful tools you need to take control of your financial reputation, get back in good standing with lenders, and enjoy the financial freedom you deserve.

credit report icon

It's a powerful new method to help remove unauthorized negative entries on your credit report.

money in hand icon

It's also a way to get paid from lenders who violate your privacy and harm your reputation by making false entries on your credit report.

40 Million Mistakes: Is your credit report accurate?

The Steps are Simple

  1. Obtain a copy of your current credit report and learn how to create your claim. Information is provided to help you to obtain and use your credit report to create a claim of injury that can be used to establish your standing in court as an injured party.
  2. Notify the lenders of the transgression and give them an opportunity to correct the problem. Your standing in court is strengthened when you have made efforts to reach out to the lenders to resolve any controversies. The needed documents to establish your efforts to resolve the transgressions of the lenders and credit agencies are provided, along with instructions on how to use them. Any previous attempts you have made to clear your report may not be enough or the correct approach to take the lenders to court, but our method will give you the standing that you need in court.
  3. Learn the steps of filing a small claims lawsuit in your small claims court. Every state's small claims court is different. The course will provide you with the information you need to find your local small claims court, how to find the claims forms, and provide exhibits showing the court the laws that you are standing on to establish your claim. Some research on your part to find your state's consumer protection laws may be required. The course also shows you what documents to use and the order of those documents as well as how to serve the court papers on the lenders. Again, some research by you or a well-established process server may be necessary.
  4. Understand how to negotiate a settlement with the lender and how to handle the case if it is removed to US District court. In many cases the attorneys for the lender may contact you to settle out of court. The course will show you ways that you can negotiate a settlement and what to ask for, or how to handle dirty attorneys that attempt to remove the case to US District court.
  5. Learn what to do if you actually have to go to court. So far we have not had anyone actually having to go to court; however, we are working on more steps on how to handle yourself should you find yourself with an actual court date. So far, we have been able to settle all cases out of court. More coming soon.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you Attorneys?

No, we are not attorneys and we can not give legal advice. If you need an attorney, we recommend that you contact your state BAR association for referrals. Unlike attorneys though, we can share things in the law that most attorneys ignore and so far, that has been key to our success.

Do you offer ongoing support?

Yes, we will have regular support sessions via internet webinar or telephone conference calls and those sessions will be recorded and archived in the course membership. The support format will allow members to ask questions and share valuable experiences.

Does this method work on removing Bankruptcies from my Credit Report?

The Cash in on Bad Credit course is not recommended for removing Bankruptcies at this time; however, we are working on a more powerful and lucrative method that can be used in the future.

Does this method work on removing excessive inquiries from my report?

No, removing inquiries will not work with the method just yet but that may come later.

Does this method involve suing the credit reporting agencies?

Not yet; that is a much bigger issue to deal with that needs more development before it is safe to release. Stay tuned for updates.

Will I have to go to court and actually speak before a judge?

So far we have been able to settle all of our cases out of court; however, you should always prepare yourself to go to court and present your case before a judge. Remember, small claims court is purposely designed for people like you who do not understand court proceedings. They know you are nervous and inexperienced. Become familiar with your case and the laws that you are standing on, and you will become more confident in standing before a judge to tell your side of your story!

How long does this process take?

That depends on your local small claims court. Some courts can take 45 days to a couple months. Some courts can take many months depending on how busy they are.

Do I have to sue all of the offending lenders at once or can I sue them one at a time?

We highly recommend that you start slowly and sue one creditor at a time until you become more comfortable with the process. Some courts may even limit the number of cases you can file in a year. Check your local court rules for restrictions.

Are you ready to get going?

Are you ready to take back control of your financial life?

May not apply to State of Washington Consumers.

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